Horizon Leadership

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Brain Dates

Over the course of the C2 Conference I participated in a number of brain dates.  Brain Dates are a brilliant way of creating connection for idea sharing.  You put out offers of topics you are willing to share information about as well as topics you want to learn about.  You can search for topics that resonate and reach out to the person offering to request a meet up.  Brain Dates are 30 minutes of quick, passionate sharing and often end with a commitment to follow up and share further.  It’s topic based networking and is built on generosity of sharing and a desire to pay forward learning you might have received through experience or under the tutelage of someone who helped you along the way.

As a newbie to the C2 Conference I chose to actively participate in Brain Dates as a way of fast tracking my connection with people.  Over the course of three days I met with a number of people.  These are just a sampling of the diversity of people I met with.

·      An architect turned videographer, storyteller and community convener.

·      A coach building a retreat centre in Ecuador

·      A jewelry designer who has founded a skin art jewelry company

·      An OD specialist from France who works in the energy sector

·      A 20 something woman who is the founder and ED of a non profit that helps people who are homeless find gratifying employment

The coolest location for Brain Dates was on a Ferris wheel overlooking the Lachine Canal.  Conversations and creativity swirl more when you are in motion and seeing different perspectives as you are talking.

Brain Dates were one of my favourite elements of the C2 conference and I think might have some of the most lasting impact on my experience having participated in this conference.  Creativity soars when in the company of interesting, eclectic people intent on changing the world!